Tips for Smarter Shopping

Lets face it, a healthy diet begins in your shopping trolley. Supermarket shelves are flooded with so many options these days, it's easy to make the wrong choices. That is why it is so important to learn sensible and smart shopping practices.

Here are some helpful tips to remember for the next time you're heading down the supermarket aisles:

Don't shop on an empty stomach. This will only encourage unplanned and unhealthy choices.

Plan your meals and snacks first, then create a shopping list and stick to it!

Check the first few ingredients when comparing food labels. Ingredients are always listed in descending order, so if the first few ingredients are fat or sugar, it's probably not a healthy choice.

Be aware that some ingredients can be listed under different names. For example, sugar can also be listed as glucose, rice malt syrup, fructose etc.

Foods that say “no cholesterol” can still be high in other fats (e.g. potato chips).

Aim to purchase produce that is seasonal for maximum nutrition and taste. For example, it's best to snack on grapes in summer and get your dose of oranges in winter.

Always have frozen vegetables in your freezer as a backup.

Happy and healthy shopping!

Vicky Mazzone

One On One Diet Counselling


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